2CL provides support for homeless or housing insecure adult males with a focus on seniors 65+, ex-offender’s, veterans and recovering substance abuse users in Greater Cincinnati.
In Greater Cincinnati, single men comprise more than 50% of the homeless population. This is the result of affordable housing disappearing, benefits for seniors being reduced and becoming more difficult to get, and the cost of necessities increasing making it impossible to manage finances on fixed incomes. People are earning less, having trouble paying for housing, and when they lose their housing or their jobs, welfare isn’t there. These circumstances lead to mental illness and many times substance abuse.
Our organization is in Avondale, a community where more than 90% of the population are black. The average life expectancy for the neighborhood is 73 years. Over half 50% of the residents have high blood pressure and nearly a quarter 23% of residents have diabetes. Poverty is extremely prevalent with nearly half of the residents living in poverty and receiving SNAP benefits. More than 77 % of the residents are renters and nearly a quarter of them are burdened by housing expenses spending more than 50 % of their income on housing and utilities.
The need for 2CL Foundation is prevalent. Our foundation offers immediate and long-term support to address the needs of men 35, and older immediately, 2CL scholarships are given preference to those that are 65 and older of age.

I can't afford adequate housing?
I need help! Can't someone just give me a chance.....
They told me I can't live alone...

Share housing in a safe, clean, and nurturing environment for those that need structure and a little support to help restart their journey toward self-sufficiency.
We connect you to individuals and provide resources to support your journey to restore the things in your life that you loss or your mind, body, and spirit.
We help to educate you on your journey to sharpen your skills to maximize the resource you need to live a healthy life.

What motivates 2CL Foundation to do this work?
What motivates 2CL Foundation to do this work is the immense need for support for
homeless/housing insecure seniors with an emphasis on men. I know firsthand the importance of this issue I worked in the social service field for 10 years. Throughout that time I worked with men and women that lacked hope and felt they were not worthy of a second chance. I found that within several of the facilities there were people and systems in place that kept these people feeling helpless. The need for support to motivate men was even more prevalent within one of the facility I worked at once. Management, volunteers, and the care providers showed they had no care or compassion for the people they served was then that I came up with the idea to open a group home of my own. I wanted to provide a place that was safe, clean, and offered homeless and housing insecure seniors an opportunity to restart, restore, and re-strengthen themselves. I wanted to be a light to help them using my skills, abilities, and heart for people.
In 2022, I began my journey to assist homeless and housing insecure men.Today, I have established a foundation to support these men through their journey by offering education, resources, and scholarships. My goal is to give them a helping hand but more the second chance we all look for when we are in need.
Honee Johnson
Executive Director
Rent Scholarship
2CL Foundation offers scholarships 30 days - 1 year to men who express a financial need. Scholarships are available for those who are applying for housing with 2nd Chance Living and those who are current residents of 2nd Chance Living Residential Housing Facilities.
Household Supplies | Toiletries
2CL Foundation provides supplies and/or gift cards to homeless men who express a need. Resources are available for residents and non-residents of 2nd Chance Living Residential Housing Facilities.
Direct Support | Resources
2CL Foundation offers support with connecting you directly to agencies, individuals, and providers. Additionally, we can assist with applications and benefit sign-ups.
Homeless Shelters | Housing
Central Point Access | website | (513) 381-SAFE
Shelterhouse | website | (513) 721-0643
City Gospel Mission | website | (513) 241-5525​
Local Agencies
Medicaid Services Hotline | website
Ohio Department of Job & Family Services | website
Social Security Administration | website
Department of Veteran Services | website
Senior Services
Pro Services Ombudsman | website
Council on Aging | website
Cincinnati Area Senior Services | website
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Our mission at 2CL Foundation we provide housing assistance, resources, and goods to those in need to help them restart, restore, and restrengthen themselves one person, one day at a time.
Our vision is to have multiple housing facilities to serve men and women who need a second chance to restart, restore, and restrengthen themselves.